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Kneeling Astronaut

4VR Blog

Writer's pictureAmeli Carrano

Virtual Reality to Help Chronic Pain Treatment

Matthew Stoudt, AppliedVRco-founder

About 50 million American adults (20%) suffer from chronic pain. The most used methods in the treatment of chronic pain are medicine, opioids, injections, implants, and surgeries. These methods have several problems as not all are accessible, can be addictive, and can be very expensive.

It was thinking about this scenario, and after watching a TEDx Talk about the use of virtual reality for behavior change, that Matthew Stoudt had the idea of using this technology as an alternative treatment for chronic pain. Then came Applied VR, a start-up created by Matthew Stoudt in partnership with David Sackman - author of the TEDx Talk that Matthew watched, and Josh Sackman.

AppliedVR develops therapies where patients receive various stimuli that help them to control pain. These therapies include "showing body organ animations, exploring breathing patterns, simulating a visit to mountains or gardens and in underwater dolphin environments."


Hello, my name is Ameli Carrano, and I am a graphic designer for almost 20 years. I am here to share some news and information about Virtual Reality and its countless applications.

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